L.A. Best Security is a veteran private security company operating in California, with 25 years of experience. We provide the finest service in the private security industry. Our security guards undergo background checks along with in-depth training & instructions that go beyond the requirements of California's state laws to guarantee peace of mind at any site. Any security concerns will be addressed promptly to ensure our clients have peace of mind. When L.A. Best Security is entrusted with handling any security operations, we strive to meet and exceed our client's needs and requirements.

L.A. Best Security operates over all over California. From the coast to inland, south to north, we can cover it. Contact us and we'll provide a prompt response to initiate a dialogue in order to satisfy your security needs.

We uphold the tradition of excellence in our mission through a dedicated, highly trained, diverse, partner-oriented workforce that we deliver to serve you. Our security guards are highly trained to provide the highest level of service. We are a responsive company, we'll work with you to meet and exceed all your security needs.

Yes! We are always looking for promising individuals to join our diverse, professional team here at L.A. Best Security. L.A. Best Security is constantly expanding, and we're always in need of guards to cover the plethora of sites we're responsible for. If you are interested in joining us, click here to read our requirements and then fill out an application here and we'll get right back to you.

Mission Statement

Founded in 1992, LA's Best Security has 25 years of experience in the Private Security Industry. We uphold our tradition of excellence in our protective mission to make our service the best choice for your security needs.